Thursday, September 1, 2016


 I have a bittersweet love for September. On the sweet side is the influx of skimmers, relief from humidity, and the sunny robins-egg blue sky—the best of summer’s weather as long as hurricanes behave. 
The bitter is summer’s looming end, begging the question; on which side of the list do quieter beaches belong?
Sure, I love that with fewer tourists parking will be a non-issue until next May or June. And yet, I admit it. I may be the only year-round-local who actually misses the tourist and laments that September means that for the slocals—the down-all-summer-locals— it’s time to pack-up and go home.
To make sure this September the sweet out-balances the bitter, I’m celebrating a few extra holidays from a quirky September holiday list I found on line.
In honor of Read a Book Day  on September 6, and International Literacy Day on September 8, I’m celebrating with a chance to win books giveaway on my Facebook Author Page. Follow this link and look for the Happy September Giveaway to enter;!/pages/Carol-Fragale-Brill/112297472164769
A couple of other quirky holidays you may want to celebrate with me:
The stores may be displaying Halloween, but I resolve to enjoy September one day at a time. How about you? What are the things about September that mean the most to you?

P.S. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway contest at!/pages/Carol-Fragale-Brill/112297472164769


  1. Carol,

    It may be my favorite weather month. Sunny days when you can turn off the AC and open windows, cool nights and great sleeping, changing colors in the trees.

    Since childhood, September has signaled a new beginning, I guess because of a new school year. In the work world, it was the last quarter of the fiscal year, most vacations were over and people focused on finishing the year strong.

    On the sad side, we pause mid-month to remember 9/11 and how our world was changed forever.

    For me, it means my sister's Cape May house will be less occupied, so like that old song from our teenage years, I will: see you you in September, see you, when the summer's through...


  2. Chris, your comment reminds me that September 11 started as a beautiful blue sky day, and how quickly life as so many knew it changed forever.
    Hope to enjoy September with in Cape May you soon.

  3. As a teacher September always meant school, the rush to get a classroom ready and welcoming, the wondering if what this year's class will be like, and the lament of not enough time in a day to do anything. Being retired hit both my husband and me as we were following a school bus up Rt. 47and realized that we didn't have school and could actually make plans for week days!
    September is a special month also because our anniversary is on the 2nd (49 years) and my birthday is on the 19th (no number for that!). And don't forget Fall Migration and all the raptors that fly over Cape May.

    1. Mary Jane, funny how retirement reality slowly creeps in. Thanks for the reminder to watch the sky for fall migration.
      Happy 49th to you and Chuck and Happy no number to you
