Thursday, December 31, 2015

Resolving to Hope and Trust and Let Go

I’ve often said I don’t have a bucket list. Then I read, “The Moral Bucket List,” an article in the New York Times by David Brooks.

“The Moral Bucket List,” divides bucket stuff into two groups; things we want to do or achieve and the person we want to become.
“To do” bucket lists include adventures we hope to experience, places we want to visit, and accomplishments that look good on our resume.
The “becoming” bucket list is about values and virtues—discovering our purpose and building our character.
When I started my blog, Know Hope Know Growth earlier this year, I wrote the tag line, Hope is trusting things ultimately work out the way they are supposed to--and seeing opportunities to learn in even life's toughest stuff.
Mr.Brook’s article helped me realize I do have a bucket list. It’s to live up to that tag line and become the best I can be at trust, and hope, and letting go.
Living up to that tag line is my resolution for 2016.

Are you making any resolutions this year?

My new year's wish for each of you is that you know the hope, trust, and magic of letting go of something you fear.

I hope you’ll keep coming back to Know Hope Know Growth and share your comments. Your insights mean a lot to me and always help me learn and grow.

Happy New Year.

Carol (P.S. Is anyone who knows me surprised I have a beach bucket list? )


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